
Ми запрошуємо до співпраці молодих спеціалістів, випускників ВНЗ та фахівців з досвідом у галузях статистики, математики або програмування.
Відкриті вакансії (Київ, Харків) наведено нижче.

Напишіть нам

We are looking for a talented developer who will join our efforts to make the most user friendly data analysis app.

— Maintain and improve our app. It is in an active development stage and requires lots of improvements.
— Participate in designing of the new product features.
— Work with test engineers and customer service to resolve code issues.

— Objective-C experience.
— Be really organized and self-motivated.
— Be able to work well in a team environment.

As a plus
— AppleScript and C++ knowledge.
— Knowledge of Apple guidelines for AppStore.

We offer benefits, including but not limited to:
— Great team.
— Flexible schedule and no over work.
— Paid vacation.
— Equipment of your choice.
— Opportunities for education and development within the company.

We are looking for a data scientist who will join our efforts to make the most user friendly data analysis app.

Participate in designing of the new product features:
- Review data analysis methods for specific applications/industries, particulary: biomedical industry(pharmaceutical/biotech) and insurance (for example, survival analysis), econometrics and fintech (time series and forecasting), quality control (six sigma methods, control charts, reliability analysis), data mining/classification/data reduction/neural networks.
- Prepare documentation and recommendations for a method implementation (data input format/layout, possible user options, used algoritms, when possible - pseudo-code, test data).
- Documenting methods for the user's guide and manual.
- Prepare use cases (how to use/apply implemented methods in an industry).
Improve existing features (review used methods, make recommendations for replacing with new/better algorithms).

Участие в проектировании нового функционала продукта:
- Исследование методов анализа данных, для конкретных отраслей, в частности, фармация/био-мед/страхование (анализ выживаемости/надежности), эконометрика/фин.тех. (временные ряды и прогнозирование), контроль качества (методы six sigma, контрольные карты, анализ надежности), data mining/задачи классификации.
- Для разработчика: подготовка документации для реализации методов анализа (требования ко входным данным, возможные опции, используемые алгоритмы, при возможности - псевдокод, тестовые данные).
- Консультирование службы поддержки по вопросам, связанным с анализом данных (например, вопросы о применимости реализованного метода к данным пользователя, интерпретация результатов).
- Для конечного пользователя: подготовка руководства и use cases (применения метода в различных отраслях).
Улучшение существующего функционала (обзор и проверка методов, исследование вариантов замены алгоритмов).

— M.Sc. in a math major.
- English knowledge (upper-intermediate or better).
— Be really organized and self-motivated.

As a plus
- Knowledge of statistical packages (R, SАS, SРSS, etc).

We offer benefits, including but not limited to:
- Flexible schedule and no over work.
— Paid vacation.
— Equipment of your choice.
— Opportunities for education and development within the company.
* Experience with React or Angular.
* Knowledge of HTML5, CSS3, LESS.
* Experience of usage Git.
* English for reading technical documentation.

* Just perfect if you worked with D3.js or any data visualization framework and/or played with Microsoft Office/Power BI APIs.
* Education with major in math.
We offer:
* Work on interesting projects using cutting-edge technologies.
* Freedom in choosing framework for new projects.
* Full time.
* Flexible schedule (work remotely time to time).
* Regular salary review, financial stability.
* Paid vacation.
* Compensation for attending conferences, trainings and other community events.

* Participate in designing of the new product features.
* Create a user experience for web app.
* Incorporate and integrate app with Office 365/Office 365 Enterprise.
* Develop data connectors to access and query remote data and prepare reports (and possible BI dashboards) from app.